Exclusive Stem Cell Science

Stem cell therapy transforming the future of medical treatments

Revolutionizing Stem Cell Therapy with Decades of Expertise and Innovation

At Bespoke Biologix, our proprietary science is built on 30 years of extensive global research at top government, private, and public universities. Drawing on significant clinical expertise, we excel in advanced stem cell culture techniques and personalized cell therapy solutions. By combining cutting-edge scientific discoveries with innovative methods, we aim to provide tailored treatments designed to meet each patient's unique needs.

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Manufacturing and Delivery

The manufacture and delivery of stem cell therapy to patients involves complex, integrated processes. At Bespoke, we utilize cells made from special living cells called Mesenchymal Stem Cells, or MSCs that are isolated from fresh bone marrow tissue. Because the cells come from another individual, they are referred to as an “allogeneic.”

Following a meticulous selection process, we isolate Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). These cells then undergo culture expansion, multiplying into billions under controlled lab conditions using specialized techniques in our cutting-edge GMP facility. After a specific number of expansion cycles, known as ‘passages,’ we harvest and separate the cells into precise doses. Our exclusive cryopreservation process ensures their high viability upon delivery.

Key Advantages

  • Tissue Regeneration: BM-MSCs have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, potentially aiding tissue repair and regeneration. They can contribute to healing damaged tissues, such as bone, cartilage, and muscle.
  • Immunomodulation: BM-MSCs can regulate the immune system, potentially suppressing harmful immune responses (such as autoimmune reactions) while promoting tissue tolerance.
  • Paracrine Signaling: BM-MSCs secrete bioactive molecules (cytokines, growth factors, and extracellular vesicles) that influence neighboring cells. These paracrine signals play a crucial role in tissue repair, angiogenesis, and anti-inflammatory processes.

Tailored to Your Life

Only Bespoke Biologix has the power to deliver you unmatched dedication, time, and expertise.